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Audio book players

This section includes audio book playing devices with accessible features.

DAISY players which play DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) audible books and replace the old audio books on cassette tape format. These digital reading systems help make audio books accessible to individuals with visual difficulties that affect their ability to read printed material.

E-book reader devices enable e-books to be accessed by people who are blind or have low vision.

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Easy Tablet Computer
Android tablet with simplified tablet features. Comprises: large screen; adjustable text, contrast and icon size; adjustable colour scheme; hands free...
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Victor Reader Stream Portable Daisy Player
Portable DAISY player. Comprises: DAISY player; music player, audio formats supported: MP3, WAV, Ogg Vorbis, MP4-AAC, AMR-WB+, FLAC and Speex; voice r...
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Victor Reader Stream New Generation
Handheld media player designed for blind and visually impaired users. Comprises: plays DAISY books; plays audio formats MP4-AAC, AMR-WB+, FLAC, MP3, O...
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Plextalk PTR2 Player-Recorder
Portable Daisy player which can also record direct to a CD or memory. Plays Daisy CDs, music CDs, MP3 files. Comprises: adjustable play back speed; fa...
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Plextalk Ptn2 Cross Daisy Player
Desktop DAISY player. Comprises: allows user to listen to audio books available from compatible suppliers; music player; input via CD drive, MP3 CD, U...
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PlexTalk Pocket Portable Daisy Player
Pocket sized, Daisy and MP3 player which plays Daisy audio books, MP3s, PCM music files and records Daisy books with headings or voice notes in MP3. C...
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Evo E10 Daisy Player
Daisy player. Comprises: tactile buttons; music playback with equaliser; alarm; voice recorder; voice memo; talking compass; calculator; calculagraph ...
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Victor Reader Trek Talking Book Player And Gps
Talking book player and GPS. Comprises: access online and offline books and podcasts; FM radio; uses GPS data from TomTom; pressing Where am I button ...
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Victor Reader Stratus
Audio book player. Comprises: audio book players; plays multimedia books and music from CDs, SD cards and USB flash drives; tactile; high-contrast key...
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