Here are answers to some frequently asked questions from users of this website and from suppliers who appear in the website.

Information for Users

Living Made Easy is an impartial advice and information website about daily living equipment and other aspects of independent living. It has been developed by the DLF, a national charity with 50 years’ experience in providing independent advice about independent living for disabled adults and children, older people, their carers and families.

Living Made Easy’s core value is impartiality. In this website we aim to provide comprehensive and independent information about all products on the UK market from all national retailers, supported by expert advice created by occupational therapists and other expert health and social care practitioners. We do not sell equipment ourselves but provide advice and information on equipment and suppliers in the UK.

Our advice and information is:

Living Made Easy contains lots of useful information, including users' stories, product details, retailer information, guided advice and more. You may browse through the products via the main navigation at the top of the page to select different categories of products. Once on a category page you may use the "Guide to Choosing" button for advice, written by OTs, to help you to select a product. You may also use the filters on these pages to help refine your choices. Click on any product to be presented with the product details including descriptions, dimensions,A pictures and in some cases videos, provided by manufacturers. Here you will also find links to National Retailers, along with their pricing for the product. Where multiple retailers are listed the most recently updated one will be presented at the top of the list.

Some national retailers also have bricks and mortor shops where you might be able to try out different products. Contact them before travelling to see if they have the product you want to look at and to check their availability, you might need to make an appointment.

If you are an individual you can make a donation to help sustain the service in the future.

All sponsor adverts are clearly labelled with "Advertisement" or "Sponsorship" to distinguish them from our impartial advice.

Sponsorship has no impact on the inclusion of products, how we rate their products, their position within any product listings or any other advantage over other suppliers.

Our staff: DLF staff work to agreed impartial procedures which govern how advice or products are added to our websites, and when the information is updated. Thus there is no scope for individual bias or preference in the updating or inclusion of product information.

Information for Suppliers

Any product that falls into one of our product categories, and can be supplied direct to the public and/or a public sector body anywhere across the UK, can be listed on Living Made Easy. It is free to be included in the website. For more information about our National Retailer programme click here.

DLF staff work to agreed impartial procedures which govern how advice or products are added to its websites and when the information is updated. Thus there is no scope for individual bias or preference in the updating or inclusion of product information.

Like any organisation that provides information free to the public, DLF has to ensure it can secure enough income to be sustainable. DLF uses automated advertising from organisations like Google, as well as advertisements placed on the website by our staff. This advertising has no impact on our impartial approach to the inclusion of products, how we rate products, nor their position within any product listings. For more information about working in partnership with us, including our Premium Listings programme and advertising opportunities, click here.

DLF updates its information based on the details provided by companies and does so in good faith. If you are the manufacturer of a product you have the right to request removal of any retailer listed as supplying the product(s) you manufacture. You can click here to Contact Us and use the Contact for Professionals details.

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