Will you still wear a face covering?
Will you still wear a face covering?
With the COVID-19 case numbers still on the rise at the same time as across the UK restrictions are being relaxed in various ways. Many people are still likely to be more comfortable wearing a mask or face covering for the foreseeable future. This has become the norm and yet, for anyone who lip reads, this has meant a time of reduced communication and increased isolation. Clear Expression has been working hard to combat this by producing and selling Clear Expression Face Coverings and Lip Reader notification lanyards.
The Clear Expression Face Covering allows the wearer to show their smile through an anti-fog clear panel in the mask. This enables others to see the wearer’s expression and if necessary, lip read. This is important, not only to those who lip read, but also to those learning to speak or living with dementia. Young and old benefit greatly from the ability to see behind the face covering, and let’s face it we have all missed seeing those smiles!
A recent review for Clear Expression Face Coverings clearly highlights the benefits:
The clear view face coverings have worked MUCH better for my brother and I visiting our mum at her care home – she has 95% hearing loss and mainly relies on lip reading… previously the clear full face visors were just about okay, but often had too much glare depending on lighting – but now the clear panel in your face coverings really seems to help her focus in to the mouth area and she is lip reading much better as a result.
Best wishes
Debs – CAMBs
For more information about Clear Expression and to purchase your own Clear Expression Face Coverings or lipreader’s lanyard visit Clear Expression