DLF's ProAssist
On March 22nd 2021 at TSA’s ITec event, DLF announced the launch of its new tool for professionals DLF ProAssist. ProAssist is a tool designed by professionals for prescribers of equipment. Drawing on DLF’s database of over 10,000 current products, ProAssist gives the user a simple way to find equipment solutions and read guidance, watch videos and interact with other professionals on best practice when it comes to equipment provision.
Since the announcement, DLF has conducted numerous sessions to organisations and individuals to show the features of the tool and give users the opportunity to test the system. Feedback has been outstanding and many have stated how useful they will find the service when conducting their day to day roles.
If you are interested in DLF’s ProAssist for your organisation and would like to have a demonstration of the tool, we are running the following sessions:
Monday 24th May 2021 14:00
Tuesday 8th June 10:00
To book on to one of these sessions please email enquiries@dlf.org.uk or contact us on 0300 123 3084.
The DLF is a 50-year old national charity part of The Shaw Trust that specialises in impartial information, advice and training about equipment for independent living. Free services for the public include Living Made Easy https://www.livingmadeeasy.org.uk (opens new window) their impartial online marketplace visited by 1.1 million people in 2019, AskSARA an online guided advice tool https://asksara.livingmadeeasy.org.uk (opens new window) and Youreable the thriving forum https://www.youreable.com (opens new window) visited by 900,000 people in 2019. Services for professionals include their DLF Training courses and DLF-Data the prescribing tool for professionals which is free to use during the pandemic (contact them for a login)