A red banner image which reads, An Introduction to LendoCare.

Living Made Easy are excited to introduce to you our partnership with LendoCare.

LendoCare is an organisation dedicated to bringing customers easy access to at-home medical equipment and provide an alternative to expensive purchases, by providing easy access to top quality rental products. Whether you are wanting to try a product before you buy it, or rent a piece of equipment that you may only need for a short period of time, LendoCare is the organisation for you.

LendoCare is far more than just a business. Solomia and Roman are a brother-sister team on a mission to simplify access to vital equipment through easy to use rental models.

It was during Solomia’s 8 dedicated years volunteering for the MND Association that she saw first hand the urgent need for high quality, short term equipment. With Roman building the cutting-edge technology that the business runs on, the two made their vision a reality.

Their vision is a simple one, and consists of three key factors. 


LendoCare is on a mission to ensure that finding and booking the equipment you need is easy. Nothing is more frustrating than discovering a product you desire, only to learn that it’s not available in your area. LendoCare is here to change that.



Equipment for independent living should be readily accessible to everyone. Their goal is to offer rental solutions that empower independent living, making everyday life easier and more convenient.



LendoCare’s rental options not only make it easier to access at-home medical equipment, but also contribute to environmental sustainability. They reduce waste, and increase product access, and are making a positive impact on our planet.


Why Rent / hire equipment?

The need for Assistive Technology is not always permanent. There are many reasons for this; one may be that you are recovering from an injury, living with a temporary illness, or progressing through a degenerative condition. Furthermore, assistive technology can be very expensive, and often one feels the need to ensure that the product they are buying and investing in is right for you and your needs.

Living Made Easy has been providing information and advice for over 50 years. In this time, we have built up the largest database of assistive technology in Europe. Now, with the aid of Lendocare you can rent/hire products as well as, or instead of, purchasing them.

The hire information is available at product page level, alongside the retailer information. Additionally, to make it easier to see which of the 10k+ products are available to hire, we have created a LendoCare page which will grow as their portfolio grows.

An image of a woman with shoulder length brown hair, wearing a white long-sleeved top, and smiling with her hands on her hips. She is stood next to a man with brown hair, wearing a long-sleeved grey jumper and is smiling with his hands behind his back.

LendoCare's founders, Solomia and Roman.

Borrowing from LendoCare

LendoCare has partnered with us at LME to provide rental options for many of our incredible products. When scrolling through our database and looking at our products, keep an eye out for the Hire Through LendoCare button, or check out all the products available for hire on this link. Living Made Easy - LendoCare

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