This section includes equipment to assist with reading and writing. Equipment may be suitable for adults, children or both.
Line finders, page markers and reading frames are used to emphasise or isolate areas of text to make the passage easier to read. Some items will enable one-handed reading and page turning and mark the place when a book is closed. Reading frames may also reduce glare from the page.
Signature, line and envelope guides guide you to the required areas to write the address on an envelope, or sign a cheque book or other document requiring a signature Writing frames have elasticated cord acting as line guides, a piece of paper can be inserted into the frame and the cord helps to keep your writing in line.
Paper holders include desk clamps which may stabilise paper for writing.
Desk and table accessories includes equipment that can provide additional assistance when reading or writing.
Equipment designed to secure and position art and craft, photographic material, instruments or magnifiers either on a table or on a wheelchair.