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This section includes equipment that enables the user to communication via text/typing.

Textphones have a keyboard and a display screen. You type what you want to say rather than speaking into a mouthpiece and can read the conversation on a display without needing to hear the other party. You may decide to use a textphone instead of a standard telephone if you are deaf and/or if you have difficulties with your speech.

Screen phones have a screen on which the incoming caller's speech is displayed in text format so you can have a conversation using your voice but without hearing your caller. This use of your speech but conversion of the other person's speech into text is sometimes known as Voice Carry Over (VCO).  Some textphones have a VCO option. Screen phones do not have a keyboard, although this can be purchased as an accessory. You may prefer a screen phone to a textphone it you want to use your voice but cannot hear the other person on the phone.

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Uniphone 1150 Textphone
Combined textphone and telephone. Comprises: QWERTY keyboard; two-line LCD screen that also indicates if a number is engaged, and the duration of the ...
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Textlink 9100 Textphone
Textphone with voice amplifier. Comprises: large two-line 80-character display; adjustable back light; upper and lower case characters; six-row keyboa...
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Relay UK Textphone Emulator
Textphone emulation. Comprises: app connects to the Next Generation Text (NGT) service; app and phone are linked by entering the phone number to the A...
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