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Screen/audio book reader software and apps

This section includes screen-reading software and apps

Screen readers are apps and software programs that enable users who are blind or have low vision to hear the text that is displayed on the computer screen read out with computer generated speech. Options instruct the computer to read, or spell, a word, a line, highlighted text, or a full screen of text.  Alternatively, depending on the software, it can be asked to state the location of the computer's cursor, read pre-designated parts of the screen or the active choice in a menu. Screen reader software can also be used with refreshable Braille displays.

E-book readers are apps and software that enable e-books to be accessed by people who are blind or have low vision.

DAISY apps and software that play DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) audible book files. These files and the hardware devices or software that plays them back replaces the old audio books on cassette tape format. These digital reading formats and systems help make audio books accessible to individuals with visual difficulties that affect their ability to read printed material. 

Talking dictionary and thesaurus apps and software including some models that may give the option for words to be spoken letter by letter or word by word.

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Screen reader software. Comprises: can read back letters, words and sentences as they are typed or clicking anywhere in a Word document and pressing t...
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Penfriend Screen Reader Softwre
Screen reading and text magnification software. Comprises: speech feedback and screen reading of text from web or word processor highlighting words as...
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Supernova Access Suite
Magnification and screen reading for Windows. PC Access and Guide Suite. SuperNova empowers anyone with a visual impairment to independently access th...
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Moon+ Reader Pro App
ebook reader app for Android mobile devices. Comprises: options to adjust line space and font scale; five auto-scroll modes - including by pixel, by l...
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Kurzweil 1000 Reading Software
Text to speech software. Comprises: choice of image viewing modes including show image, show image and text for split screen, or hide image for text-o...
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Fullreader Text To Speech Ebook Reader
Text to speech eBook reader. Comprises: designed to read eBooks, documents, comic strips, magazines, text files and audiobooks; favourites and collect...
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Bookari Text To Speech Ebook Reader
Text to speech eBook reader. Comprises: books can be listened to using the vocal synthesis; customisable display; bookmark, highlight and underline te...
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Zoomtext Magnifier Reader
Screen magnification and screen reader software. Comprises: range of magnification levels; font enhancement; facility to use any high-definition (HD) ...
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Supernova Screen Reader
Screen reader software. Comprises: human voices with choice of character echo, word echo and adjustment of voice speed and volume; text style announce...
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Jaws For Windows Screen Reader Software
Screen reader software. Comprises: supports standard Windows office applications, Internet Explorer, Firefox, MSN Messenger, and Adobe Acrobat Reader...
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ZoomText Fusion Magnifier And Screen Reader
Computer screen magnification and screen reader software. Comprises: range of magnification levels up to 36x; eight different zoom windows; dual monit...
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Supernova Magnifier & Speech
Screen magnification software with speech. Comprises: output to speech to read documents, web pages, menus or button prompts and talk as the user type...
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Read & Write Gold Screen Reader Software
Screen reading software for literacy support. Comprises: reads text from Microsoft Word, web pages, instant messages and email; words are highlighted ...
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Oxford Dictionary Of English App With Audio
Dictionary iOS app with audio pronunciations. Comprises: audio pronunciations of common and rare words; both British and American voice versions; 'fuz...
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Oxford Dictionary Of English And Thesaurus
Dictionary and thesaurus iOS app with audio pronunciations. Comprises: audio pronunciations of common and rare words; both British and American voice ...
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Md Evreader Eccentric Viewing Reader
Eccentric viewing reader. Designed to help people to read eBooks using the eccentric reading technique. Comprises: presents text on the tablet in a si...
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Magic Screen Magnifier And Reader Software With Speech
Screen magnification and reader software. Comprises: user can use magnification and speech together, or independently; user can read text that they ty...
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Goread Ebook Reader App
e-book reader for compatible Android tablets and phones designed to be accessible. Comprises: books can be downloaded from Bookshare (requires eligibi...
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EV News Internet Eccentric Viewing Reader
News internet eccentric viewing reader. Designed to help people access and read articles in news channels using the eccentric reading technique. Compr...
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Easyreader Daisy Software
Software for playing DAISY talking books on a PC. Comprises: bookmarks to return to points of interest; facility to add audio notes to places in the b...
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Audio Dictionary
Dictionary iOS app with audio pronunciations. Comprises: filter search results by noun, verb, adjective, adverbs; wild card search facility which can ...
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Advanced English Dictionary & Thesaurus App
Dictionary and thesaurus iOS app with audio pronunciations. Comprises: available in American, British and Australian English, in both male and female ...
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