Neater eater. Designed to enable people to use own movements to feed themselves. Manually controlled with modular options that can be tailored to individual needs. Options: choice of clip-on cutlery; flick guard designed to prevent spoon from spilling food; plate turner; baseboard extenders; raising spacers; quick release adjustable handle.
The Neater Eater is a manually operated assistive technology to enable clients with tremor or weakness to eat independently. It has adjustable fluid damping in all movements, an adjustable speed counter balance and self levelling lift to level spoon feature. The Neater Eater is supplied with slim base board, plate locator and 2 table clamps. The system is adjustable to enable it to suit extreme tremors or weaker users and children. Available in both right and left handed models, the Neater Eater is a modular system to adapt to a very wide range of client conditions. Modules include flick guard to stop food from being flicked from plate when using plastic spoon, forward spring to semi automate eating process so spoon lifts and moves to mouth position, raising spacers for higher mouth positions, adjustable handle and plate turner to allow weaker users the ability to use system from lap level. A clamp offset board is available for wider wheelchair users and 3 different sized table clamps. Adjustable forward and back stops are provided as standard so the spoon can be wiped at back of plate and stop at correct mouth position. The technology is very easy to adjust with the tools and instructions provided and video instructions are available on or our You Tube channel. As standard the system is supplied with main arm plus lift to level spoon mount, forward and back stop adjustments, slim base board, tools and instructions choice of table clamps, choice of 2 plates and choice of 2 spoons. The Neater Eater is provided with a 3 year warranty
Assistive Technology manufacturer and retailer who create products for eating for those with disabilities.
Neater Solutions Ltd
12 Burlington Road
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