This section includes equipment to assist with opening tins, jars, bottles and packets.
Handheld tin openers may be manually or electrically operated, and may have features such as larger or contoured handles. Electric handheld openers may be used one-handed. Freestanding tin openers are mains powered and are operated either one-handed or hands-free.
Screw lid openers grip the lid to enable easier opening. They may have a handle which provides extra leverage for turning, or may be made of slip-resistant material. Some have a fixed gripping surface, others have an adjustable length band which needs to be tightened around the lid. Battery operated screw lid openers automatically grip both the jar and the lid, and turn the lid to open the jar. Some openers are designed to open childproof safety caps.
Mounted screw lid openers can be fixed under a work top or to a wall cabinet or shelf. The screw lid is pushed into the opener until it is firmly gripped, then the jar or bottle can be twisted to release the lid. Some openers can release vacuum seals to make it easier to unscrew the lid.
Ring pull openers have larger handles that clip onto the ring pull which increases the leverage, making it easier to lift up the ring pull and roll back the lid. Bottle top and flip top openers lift up/off the lid.
Packet openers and closers are often safety knives which can cut plastic, paper, cardboard or string.
Corkscrews with larger handles, a self-pulling action or an air pump to blow out the cork may help when opening a corked bottle.