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Bt 50e Telephone Internal Bell 1
Bt 50e Telephone Internal Bell
Priced from POA
What we say

Telephone extension bell. Comprises unit with cord that connects between telephone and wall socket to increase telephone ring volume. One supplied rent-free to BT customers from some suppliers.


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Product Information

Manufacturer's Product Description

If you are missing calls an extra alert may be useful. BT can supply a loud extension bell with its deeper tone that will ring at the same time as your telephone. BT customers call 0800 800 150 for further information. Non BT customers can purchase the Bell 50E from www.bt.com/shop Don't forget: if you have a broadband line you must use an ADSL filter between the socket and the alerting device (Cost - £5.88 inc VAT) BT also supports a network of "Try before you buy" centres. These centres are staffed by professionals or volunteers who have expertise in the disability the centre covers. The customer should contact the centre in advance to check staffing times and phones held. Further details about "Try before you buy" can be found here www.bt.com/inclusion

Manufacturer's Contact Details


BT Plc

Correspondence Centre


County Durham




Key Features

No Key Features have been specified for this product

Product Dimensions

Maximum ringer volume (dB) 77dB

Product Specification

No product specification has been specified.

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