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Echo Megaloop Hearing Loop System 1 Echo Megaloop Hearing Loop System 2 Echo Megaloop Hearing Loop System 3 Echo Megaloop Hearing Loop System 4 Echo Megaloop Hearing Loop System 5
Echo Megaloop Hearing Loop System
Priced from £125.00
What we say

Home induction loop amplifier, may be used with television, video recorder, CD and hi-fi system when user's hearing aid is switched to 'T' position. Tone and volume may be adjusted without changing the television controls. Can be used with neck loop when connected to headphone socket. Megaloop Plus features two built-in SCART sockets, three audio leads and greater signal strength.


Hearing Products International Ltd

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Product Information

Manufacturer's Product Description

The Echo MegaLoop induction room loop system is for television, DVD or HiFi listening in the home, for people who have a hearing aid with a telecoil "T" setting. EchoMegaLoop is a powerful and extremely flexible induction loop amplifier designed with an exclusive background noise control. The Megaloop boasts outstanding sound quality transmitting sound direct to your hearing aid. The greater range of clear undistorted power is almost twice that of previous systems. The improved signal strength allows the hearing aid to work at its optimum with a huge reduction in background noise. A highly active tone control circuit allows unparalleled adjustment of high and low tones. The MegaLoop takes sound from your T.V. or other sound source and converts it into a signal which is fed into a wire fitted in a continuous loop around the edges of the room. This signal can then be picked up by a hearing aid switched onto the "T" setting. The tone and volume can then be adjusted completely independently from that coming out of the TV speaker providing the best possible listening conditions

Manufacturer's Contact Details


Hearing Products International Ltd

Echo House

26-27 Haigh Park





01614808003 info@hear4you.com

Key Features

  • amplifier unit
  • active tone control
  • microphone on lead
  • loop wire
  • SCART plug and audio lead

Product Dimensions

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Product Specification

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