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Italk2 Communication Aid 1 Italk2 Communication Aid 2
Italk2 Communication Aid
Priced from £147.00
What we say

Two-message communicator. Recording time of ten seconds per activation. Available with three levels from some suppliers enabling the pre-recording and/or storage of a number of message choices.

Speechbubble's description: ITalk2
The iTalk2 is a two-message communication aid that's useful for choice-making and other activities that are designed to encourage two responses (eg question and answer, such as telling jokes). The buttons consist of two angled AbleNet 64mm diameter Jellybean-type switches that activate a combined total of two minutes of recorded speech.

Speechbubble's description: iTalk2 with Levels
The iTalk2 is a six-message communication aid that's useful for choice-making and other activities designed to encourage responses (eg question and answer, such as telling jokes). The buttons consist of two angled AbleNet 64mm diameter Jellybean-type switches that activate a combined total of four minutes of recorded speech.


Inclusive Technology Ltd

Liberator Ltd

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Product Information

Manufacturer's Product Description

The manufacturer has not provided any further information about this product

Manufacturer's Contact Details


Ablenet Inc


Key Features

  • semicircular, angled unit
  • two snap caps for displaying words, pictures or symbols
  • toy or appliance jacks

Product Dimensions

Height 11cm
Length 9cm
Width 17cm

Product Specification

No product specification has been specified.

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