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Penfriend2 Voice Recorder Labeller 1
Penfriend2 Voice Recorder Labeller
Priced from £80.00
What we say

Audio labeller designed for the user to record labels in their own voice using self-adhesive voice labels. Accessories: additional packs of labels available in a variety of shapes and sizes; washable laundry labels.


Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

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Product Information

Manufacturer's Product Description

The manufacturer has not provided any further information about this product

Manufacturer's Contact Details


Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

Northminster House






03031239999 helpline@rnib.org.uk

Key Features

  • battery operated pocket sized pen style device with built-in speaker
  • labels can be attached to a range of household items to identify them
  • tactile operating buttons in high contrast yellow
  • dedicated on/off recording button
  • 4GB internal memory
  • supplied with 127 mixed size and coloured labels - small round, large round, large square yellow, large square orange
  • supplied with three magnetic recordable discs for use on tins
  • label manager software

Product Dimensions

No dimensions have been specified for this product

Product Specification

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