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Voiceye Converter App 1
Voiceye Converter App
Priced from POA
What we say

Mobile phone app that uses the phone camera to automatically scan a printed code and convert it to text. Options include: Voice Tag labels can be purchased and attached to objects the user wishes to identify, the object can be identified by recording a voice message or inputting text; Money Reader (requires payment In App) recognises currency and speaks the denomination. Requires 5M-Pixel or higher camera phone.


Android Apps

App Store

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Product Information

Manufacturer's Product Description

The manufacturer has not provided any further information about this product

Manufacturer's Contact Details



Republic of Korea

Key Features

  • once the code is scanned by the phone camera it opens automatically on the smartphone and the text can be read aloud with TTS (Text-to-Speech) software (not included)
  • text can be displayed on the smartphone screen in five high contrast text viewing modes
  • ten zoom levels in font size

Product Dimensions

Android operating system 2.2& later

Product Specification

No product specification has been specified.

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