The level four course which is also OCN accredited enables the Trusted Assessor to identify a need for major adaptations, assess, measure for, and prescribe major adaptations and apply for Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) funding for the adaptations.
The course covers:
•The purpose of the DFG – benefits and limitations
•How to complete a robust risk assessment for various environments/factors
•Identifying and justifying the need for daily living equipment and adaptations.
•Understanding environmental factors that impact on installing adaptations.
•Measuring for major adaptations.
•When to refer clients back to Occupational Therapy services
Total course cost: £5400 (maximum 12 per course)
Open courses available for individuals cost £474pp (including VAT).
Next open course date:
Duration: Two days (one e-learning, one face-to-face)
Delivery method: Blended
This course is offered as a blended learning course. Learners are required to complete e-learning equivalent to one day of the course, and then attend a trainer led face-to-face practical day. Learners will be required to complete a written assignment before receiving accreditation.