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Elite Care Direct

Take a look at our products below.

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Axbridge Dual Motor Riser Recliner Chair
Dual motor riser recliner chair. Comprises: waterfall back design; snooze position; four button handset.
Burlington Dual Motor Riser Recliner
Dual motor riser recliner chair. Comprises: built-in storage pockets; armrests with drink holders; padded headrest; four button handset. Options: ran...
Canterbury Dual Motor Riser Recliner Chair
Riser recliner chair with two motors for independent movement of footrest and backrest. Comprises: bonded leather; heat and massage functions; sepera...
Cavendish Electric Recliner Chair
Electric recliner chair. Comprises: PU cover; built-in storage pockets and drinks holder; snooze position; heat and massage; button on right hand sid...
Deluxe Transit Wheelchair
Attendant propelled transit wheelchair. Comprises: aluminium frame with double cross brace and solid puncture proof tyres; attendant handbrakes; remov...
Ec X Fold Lightweight Folding Rollator
Folding rollator with seat. Comprises: indoor or outdoor use; shopping bag attached; folds flat; loop lock brakes; handles are adjustable in height; ...
Elite Care Folding And Adjustable Height Forearm Walker
Rollator with forearm supports. Comprises: folding metal frame; two front castors; two braked rear wheels; storage bag located at the front; mesh canv...
Fusion Walker Transit Wheelchair
Transit wheelchair. Can also be used as a rollator. Comprises: footrest stores under seat when in wheelchair mode; storage bag; padded seat with back ...
Georgia Single Motor Riser Recliner
Single motor riser recliner. Comprises: double arm padding; two button handset Options: range of colours.
Hainworth Dual Motor Rise And Recliner Chair
Dual motor riser and recliner chair. Comprises: leather cover; heat and massage; four button handset operates footrest and backrest; lift, rest and de...
Hainworth Electric Recliner Chair
Electric recliner chair. Comprises: leather cover; heat and massage; button on right hand side of chair operates recline and footrest; separate handse...
Leicester Dual Motor Riser Recliner
Dual motor riser recliner. Comprises: waterfall back design; wood knuckles; small pocket on the side of the chair; four button handset.
Lightweight Folding Wheelchair With Handbrakes
Attendant propelled wheelchair. Comprises: foldable; attendant handbrakes; swing away, height adjustable footrests; armrest; half folding back mechani...
Lightweight Self Propel Wheelchair
User propelled wheelchair. Comprises: seat cushion; padded backrest; attendant and user handbrakes; foldable; flip up armrest; removable height adjust...
Luxor Dual Motor Riser Recliner
Dual motor riser recliner. Comprises: leather; four castors; pillow back design and all-round cushioning; small pocket on side. Options: choice of co...
Rocket Powerchair With Self Propel Wheels
Powerchair with self-propel wheels. Comprises: removable anti tipper wheels; cushioned seat with safety lap belt; padded backrest; joystick control sw...
Stanbury Dual Motor Riser Recliner Chair
Dual motor riser recliner chair. Comprises: memory foam seat; USB connector; four button handset; touch sensitive reading lamp.
Swift Easy Folding Rollator
Folding rollator. Comprises: shopping bag hooks to the front of the rollator; height adjustable handles; backrest; folds flat.
Tandem Duo Rollator & Wheelchair
Rollator-wheelchair. Comprises: removable front and rear wheels; removable footrests; aluminium frame; polyester fabric seat; height-adjustable backre...
Tetbury Single Motor Riser Recliner
Single motor riser recliner. Comprises: padded backrest; storage pockets. Options: choice of fabrics.
Ultra Lightweight Rollator
Folding rollator. Comprises: backrest; seat; locking loop brakes; height adjustable handles; shopping bag; solid wheels.
Warwick Dual Motor Riser Recliner
Dual motor riser recliner. Comprises: wooden knuckles; four button handset.
X Cruise Folding Lightweight Compact Rollator
Four wheeled folding rollator. Comprises: seat and backrest; height adjustable handles; dual brakes; shopping bag; cane holder; puncture proof tyres; ...

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