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Take a look at our products below.

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Advantage Traveller Bed Rail
Portable bed rail. Comprises: folds for travel; cushioned foam grip; attaches to bed frame with safety strap (included); four-pocket organiser.
Assist-a-tray Chair Table
Handle designed to assist user to stand from settee or chair, with an attached swivel tray. Comprises: grab handle for positioning to the side of fron...
Bariatric Bed Cane With Organiser
Bed handle with wooden base which fits between mattress and platform. Comprises: upright adjustable height steel 'cane' style rail with foam grip hand...
Bed Caddie
Bed ladder. Comprises: nylon construction; three tiered hand-grips; attaches to the bed frame at the foot of the bed.
Bedside Econorail
Foldable bed rail. Comprises: frame made from aluminium; four pocket organisers; non-slip grip; safety strap.
Couchcane Chair Riser
Sit-to-stand grab handle for use with items of furniture only, not as a free stand. Comprises: gives user a foundation from which to push up from when...
EZ Adjustable Bed Rail
Adjustable length bed rail designed for domestic use. Comprises: adjusts in length to three settings via a push-button mechanism; rail can fold down v...
Ez Fold-n-go Walker
Folding rollator with two front wheels. Comprises: two swivel front wheels and rear glide feet; height adjustable handles. Options: range of colours.
Ez Stand N Go Stand Aid
Stand aid. Designed to help user stand from a seated position. Comprises: dual support handles; adjustable height and depth.
Handy Handle
Portable handle designed to assist with standing. Comprises: metal oval-shaped device, separated into two sections; slip-resistant foam handgrips, two...
Metro Ez Fold-n-go Walker
Walker. Comprises: portable and foldable; side carry pockets included; easy glide rear feet. Options: choice of colour.
Pt Bed Cane
Bed cane. Comprises: ergonomic handle; mesh organiser pouch; height adjustable.
Safety Bed Rail
Bed rail that can pivot down 180 degrees to side of bed. Comprises: rail can pivot down to side of bed; can be placed on either side of the bed; strap...
Security Pole
Floor to ceiling pole which is tension mounted using a wrench which is supplied. An optional additional grab bar can be attached. The grab bar is curv...
Stander Omni Tray
Chairside handle and TV tray. Comprises: support handle; swivel tray; adjustable; rubber pads on feet.
Stander Pt Bed Cane
Foldable bed grab handle. Comprises: aluminium frame with hybrid engineered plastic components; foldable; non-slip rubber surface for under the mattre...

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